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Friday, March 14, 2025

Advantages of SiteLock Security for a WordPress Website

This blog post also applies to several other web development applications, i choose wordpress because it is the dominantly used Content Management System or Web DevelopmentĀ  Application in the world today.

It is a known fact that the rate of websites being hacked is on the increase, and its necessary that your website is secured from hackers and malware.

Hackers from anywhere are ready to access your important files stored online and destroy them any time quite easily.

Hence, keeping your files secure online must be your top priority. WordPress is a third party script and are slightly vulnerable to threats for their nature.

But with SiteLock security, protection of top most level can be ensured to all your essential data.

Wondering what is SiteLock Security?

SiteLock Security is presently the leading website security provider in the world. With this tool, you can ensure complete protection of your pages preventing all sorts of malware, cross-site scripting, SQL injection, etc. that hackers use today to steal information. They do this to malign your business. Hence, SiteLock actually provides overall protection to your business and not just your website.

What are the benefits of SiteLock Security?

Firstly, with constant security and scrutiny, any existing vulnerability will be found instantly.Ā 


Vulnerability scanning : 360 degrees everyday

Malicious software, or what you commonly know as malware, comes on your website when hackers install them when they discover any weakness, loopholes in your website. These will steal all your important data, damage your files, take away your monetary transaction details, even hijacking the machines.

In a business for your WordPress website, you can well imagine the rate of damage that will cause to you in these circumstances. SiteLock Security here provides a 360-degree protection.

High Compatibility

To enable scanning of this security plugin, you donā€™t have to install any other hardware or software separately. It is a cloud base technology, so the moment it gets to know domain of your WordPress website, SiteLock will begin its scan instantly.

Advance Scans

SiteLock is accepted globally for performing the most efficient and advance level scanning on more than 8,000,000 websites on daily basis. And with all accuracy, it can detect the vulnerabilities and threats present instantly as it traces. It can track malware much before Google does and pulls down your website. Thatā€™s the performance of this tool.

Checks validity of Business Data

This security plugin also helps you to verify all the emails, addresses and phone numbers of your business. A thorough and authentic verification will ensure a better customer service and give your clients the assurance and confidence they seek. You must be trustworthy for them to reach out anytime they have a query or some other concern.

Badge of Authenticity

Users today are very much aware of these malware and website security. When your WordPress website passes the security check of this plugin and is freed from all threats, it will display a seal of trust proudly. With this badge of authenticity, your visitors are ensured that your website is protected by the leading security provider.

Reputation Management

Online Reputation Management or ORM is one of the most important factors for the success of any business. Customers rely more on how you are popular online rather than in the physical market. So, taking care of this aspect is equally essential.

Now, SiteLock protects your website through its extensive scanning from landing up in emails and other search engines that have been blacklisted. It ensures your good reputation by enabling proper communication between you and your customers.

Other Notifications

SiteLock is also capable of notifying you if in case any file change update in your website. This is another major benefit one can enjoy with SiteLock Security. When hackers try to access your files or in another way, there is an alteration; this tool will immediately notify you. Not only that, but also all those activities will be completely visible to you.

You will get the notification through dashboard alerts and email notifications, saving your site from losing its credibility.

Some advance benefits of this plugin:

Here are some of the advance benefits you would enjoy with this website protection tool.

  • Verification of domain ownership
  • Validation of SSL certificate
  • PCI complaint

Interesting facts

SiteLock Security has already proven to have increase the conversions and sales of a business significantly. Guess what, that is because around 70% of visitors on web provide their personal details only after proper verification of 3rd party certification.

Considering all these advantages, SiteLock is an extremely proficient tool for medium and small businesses in building a trustable and verified brand image. Not only will you get the best of security protection, but also the speed of your WordPress website boosts ā€“ all this will leads to an better customer experience.

I guess with this explanation, you will not hesitate to get SiteLock Security today

To purchase a SiteLock Security please Click Here

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